Daily Routines
Bamford Pre-school Pufflings Unit & Squeakers Unit
When Pre-school begins the Pufflings Unit and outdoor area will be set out with a variety of activities. Once coats that been removed and goodbyes said, the children may play with any of the activities. These will vary from day to day depending on the children’s interests and the planned activities in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. Activity plans are prepared by the staff on a daily and weekly basis to provide a wide range of experiences for all the children to enjoy.
The activities will include painting, water and sand play, role play, play dough, jigsaws, small construction, work shop – to name but a few. The range of activities will be available both indoors and outdoors during our sessions so children will need to wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions. (Wellies, raincoats, hats and t-shirts) Midway through the morning the snack bar opens and the children have some healthy food and a drink. Activities continue until tidy up time and story time where we sing songs, listen to each other’s news and dance. At home time (either 12 noon or 3pm) we expect that parents will collect their children promptly as it is very distressing for a child to be left behind when all the others have gone.
At 11.40am for Pre-school children and 12 noon for Kindergarten children who are staying for lunch (either packed lunch or school dinner), a table is set out in the main dining hall, or main room in the Kindergarten Unit for children to have their lunch with groups of up to 6/8 children and members of staff supervising them.
Children who are staying for the full day must bring a healthy packed lunch. We do not provide hot meals for the children (this enables us to keep the cost to you as low as possible).
After everyone has finished, the room is prepared for the afternoon session. The afternoon session follows the morning session pattern with various different activities for the children to play with initially. This is followed by snack time, and then we have other games and large play etc, until story time at 2.45pm and home time at 3pm.
As some activities are messy we would prefer if children do not come in their ‘best clothes’. We would also ask parents not to allow their children to bring food, sweets or toys into the setting. This can lead to arguments and toys can get lost amongst our equipment.with your child’s name.